Case Study: University of Notre Dame 

McCourtney Hall Notre DameMoved the new 220,000 sq. ft. McCourtney Hall Research Laboratory in Notre Dame, IN. dedicated to research in the molecular sciences and engineering. Provided pre and daily move coordination and created a daily room-by-room move plan which consisted of the relocation of all chemicals, -80c, -20c, and 4c units. Moved numerous Optic tables, lasers, MS’s, GC’s, LC’s, vibration tables, and microscopes, etc. The move was completed on time and on budget.

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“Working with Accelerated makes the relocation of a lab or labs an effortless process. Whether the move is across the country or across the Campus the experienced team from Accelerated makes the move one aspect of the project that you know will go off without a hitch. They have the resources and skills to move active labs without any concern for a compromise of the research. Their trucks are equipped to keep sensitive equipment up and running and the utmost care is taken with respect to relocating all the other lab contents. Accelerated puts in the time on the front end to see the existing labs and the new labs and works closely with the Researchers to ensure that everything ends up in the right place in the new lab. About all that the Research group needs to do is to unpack the items, put them away and get back to their research efforts.”

Mike Daly, RA, LEED AP
Senior Director, Project Management
Facilities Design & Operations
University of Notre Dame

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